Wednesday 21 March 2018

Reflection In Class ( 1 March - 15 March 2018)


1 March 2018

Kelas studio Lanjutan Grafik pertama sekali dihadiri pada 1 march 2018, mempunyai seramai 14 orang pelajar dan studio ini perlu dihadiri setiap hari khamis selama 3 jam, bermula pada pukul 2 petang hingga 5 petang yang ditempatkan di Studio Kreatif. Pensyarah bagi studio ini ialah Dr Nor Syazwani Binti Mat Salleh.

Perkara pertama sekali yang kami pelajari pada hari pertama ialah mengenai pengenalan Reka Bentuk Grafik. Antara ilmu yang terkandung merupakan peringkat-peringkat bagaimana terciptanya grafik design dari tahun 1276 - 

Tugasan yang diberi :  Excercise (Reflection In Blog)

1. What is the difference between additive and subtractive colour theory?

Additive colors are colour which are pure. For example like colors add up to form white light. Additive color mixing begins with black and ends with white, as more color is added, the result is lighter and tends to white.

Beside, on the opposite end of the spectrum there is subtractive , it's impure colour knows as Cyan, magenta and yellow (CMYK) it means that one begins with white and ends with black. 

2. Find out about the traditional symbolism of different colours in your surroundings especially in the socio-cultural content.

Every culture is filled with symbols, or things that stand for soething else and that often evoke various reaction and emotions. Some symbols are actually types of nonverbal communication, while other symbols are in fact material object. For example like in Malaysia we have 3 main culture which is Malay, Chinese and Indian. Red colour in Malay culture represent as a danger symbol, bloodshed of people and brave, while chinese culture take it as a very popular and formal like prosperous and rich beside indian look it as very 'favor color'. Moreover, green colour related to Islam for Malay culture, it's also a beautiful of the nature that shows peace and harmony.

3. How does the use of appropriate colour scheme help in setting the mood of a design.

Color has the power to convey and communicate meanings and messages without words. Red has a number of different contextual associations in design. The colour obviously describe as bold, energetic and lively color that can symbolize strength, confidence and power. 

For example like if the company want to sell warm winter clothing, for sure red can be use to evoke that feeling of WARMTH AND HEAT. 

Next, as the color of sunshine, yellow often communicates happines, cheerfulness, friendliness and the freshness of spring. It can also signal warning or caution in certain contexts.  In design and branding , pure or bright yellow attracts attention well, much like red but it generally creates more friendly and fun feeling. 

However most likely company like to use green color as their product design, that shows nature, plant life and growth. It often communicates health, freshness and natural such as branding for a farmers market.

Blue is the most universally preferred color, perhaps for its very versatile qualities. It is a favorite color for companies that wish to convey reliability, trustworthiness and communication. However, being associated with the emotional feeling of being blue it's also used to express sadness or depression.

4. Discuss the universal associations of some colours.

5. How will you choose colour in your design if your target audience is international?

6. What do you undersatand by symbolism of colours? What colours would you choose while aking an advertisement for some heavy machinery and why? 

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